Recommended looks for your Wedding Day Makeup

Wedding day makeup is an essential aspect of any Chillzilla's special day. It can accentuate natural beauty, add a touch of glamour, and enhance confidence. When it comes to choosing the perfect makeup look for your big day, there are several factors to consider, including your complexion, eye and hair color, and even the color of your wedding flowers. Here are some recommendations for wedding day makeup looks to help make your decision easier.

Colors that Compliment: Cooler vs Warmer

The colors you choose for your makeup should complement your skin tone. If you're a Cooler Chillzilla, go for blue-based colors like silver, pink, and plum. Warmer Chillzillas look great in orange-based colors like gold, peach, and red. It is essential to choose colors that work well together and don't clash. A great way to determine your color palette is by looking at your wardrobe and choosing makeup colors that complement your most-worn colors.

Inspirational Photos

Chillzillas are often inspired by the latest makeup trends on social media. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are great resources for finding inspirational photos. Find photos of makeup looks that match your personal style and try to recreate them. Remember, it's your wedding day, so choose a look that makes you feel comfortable and confident.

How to Pick Out your Perfect Inspirational Photos

Find someone who looks like you — skin, hair, eye color, etc. You can even narrow your search by saying “brunette with hazel eyes”, for example.

The Color of Flowers

The color of your wedding flowers can help determine your makeup color scheme. If your flowers are pink or red, choose a more natural lip color like a pink or mauve shade. If your flowers are white or ivory, go for a bold lip color like a red or berry shade. This will help bring out the beauty of your flowers and add an extra pop of color to your look.

Lipstick Colors

The lipstick color you choose can make or break your wedding day makeup look. If you're a Cooler Chillzilla, try a light pink or a mauve color. Warmer Chillzillas look great in reds and oranges. Remember, your lipstick should complement your eye makeup and not overpower it.

Eye and Hair Color

Your eye and hair color can also help determine your makeup look. If you have blue eyes, try a warm gold or brown eyeshadow to make your eyes pop. If you have brown eyes, try a cooler silver or blue eyeshadow to enhance their depth. If you have blonde hair, try a natural and soft makeup look. If you have dark hair, try a bold and dramatic makeup look to make a statement.

There are several factors to consider when choosing your wedding day makeup look. From your complexion color to your eye and hair color, everything plays an important role in making your wedding day makeup perfect. Remember to choose a look that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Don't forget, it's your special day, so be your own "Chillzilla" and make sure your makeup is as perfect as you envisioned it to be.


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