The Perfect Schedule for Using Self-Tanner on your Wedding Day!


Self-Tanning Schedule

DAY 1 | Tues PM | Shower -- exfoliate and shave for a smooth surface | Apply tanner

DAY 2 | Weds AM | Shower and let suds just drip over your body | Apply tanner *if you're going to be active, apply in the PM

*OR Weds PM | Shower (if you've been active) | Apply tanner

DAY 3 | Thurs AM/PM | Same as DAY 2

DAY 4 | Fri AM/PM | Same as DAY 2

DAY 5 | Sat AM | DAY OF EVENT/WEDDING! Shower and shave | Do not apply tanner


  • Practice at least a month before your wedding day to perfect your radiant tan.

  • Use a glove/mitt to help with seamless application.

  • Don't forget to start on the top belly of the muscle (aka in the middle of two joints) that would receive the most sunlight. For example, start on the top of your arm and then work towards the underside of your forearms, over your joints *see next tip (elbow, wrist), and towards your hands/feet.

  • Blend the access product then *onto your elbows and gently brush towards your hands and feet to seamlessly blend the product.

Things needed:

  • Self-tanner

  • Mitt or Glove

  • Shower Cap (optional)

  • Exfoliator (washcloth, poof, or physical exfoliant)

Favorite Self-tanner:

This post was inspired by one of our chillzillas, Katie! She joined our chillzilla call last month where I randomly mentioned my self-tanning routine and she asked for the breakdown. Here it is! Feel free to join our complimentary monthly Chillzilla Connection Calls where who knows what info will fly out of my mouth every 1st Wednesday of the month at 6pm!